Patanjali Bel Candy

Patanjali Bel Candy Just as the name indicates, the Patanjali Bel Candy is prepared with natural Bael Fruit to improve digestion and also to get relief from constipation. Prepared under a total Ayurvedic formula, the bael fruit is actually an herb and has other names such as wood apple, monkey fruits and many others for different geographical locations. It gets such names because it is the favorite fruit for the elephants and also the wood shell makes the name of wood apple.

Benefits of Patanjali Bel Candy

The Bel Candy has several carminative properties which gets the best out of the box for the different benefits. Here are some of them:

  • The Bel candy helps you to recover quickly from Dysentery as well as gastro intestinal disorders easily.
  • The candy is prepared from half ripe fruits and it has excessive carminative properties and thus helps in recovering from joints within the body.
  • Another huge benefit for using the treatment is to cure the Liver Health for a better function of the liver.

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Buy Patanjali Bel Candy 500 gm

1 Bottle $38.00 Free Shipping

2 Bottle $69.00 Free Shipping

Advantages of Patanjali Bel Candy

The daily consumption of the Patanjali Bel Candy helps you a lot to improve the digestion. Apart from this, it has a lot of benefits to keep the stomach and the body cool. It is also widely used over the world to treat peptic ulcer and reduces the discomfort on acidity within the body. There are many more benefits of the candy as it helps in fighting against infections by increasing the strength and the immunity of the system. The bel candy also develops a resistance against the infections of the respiratory problems. There are a lot more advantages of having the bel fruit for aging of skin and keeping the immune system cleared.

Indications of Patanjali Bel Candy

The Patanjali Bel Candy has high medicinal benefits to choose from and there are indeed many things which you might avoid. The bel candy can raise the blood sugar levels at any time and thus patients with such conditions must avoid the bel candy. Though it is prepared from the 100% organic Bel fruit, it might result in change of the blood temperature. Though it does not have any external side effects, one must keep this in mind before consuming the bel candy as well as the fruit separately. It is higher in the concentration of Vitamin C and hence enhances the growth of natural immunity.

Directions for taking Bel Candy

Before taking in the bael candy, a medical prescription must always be authorized before knowing the medical deficiencies. This will always help to maintain a safe balance within the human body.

Buy Patanjali Bel Candy 500 gm

1 Bottle $38.00 Free Shipping

2 Bottle $69.00 Free Shipping

Dosage Of Patanjali Bel Candy

The bel candy might be consumed with 1-2 table spoons daily with a net weight of 5-10 grams once daily. Higher consumption of the bel candy might increase the blood sugar level at a glance. Make sure that the dosage is prescribed by an ayurvedic supervisor only after examining the blood sugar level.

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